domingo, 31 de agosto de 2008

Morte e "Sina" Severina

Life is "step by step", and in the last week my life has been like "Sina Severina"!

As told me my friend Fer, "when you're feeling bad and any stupid hungarian or poland talk with you after a bad day, don't forget to make things funny", as FerMarth does.

Picture that: Fer, 4 months ago, in a shitty restaurant, eating the food in five minutes after having worked exhaustive hours with a soon of a bitch. And he goes, trying to be sympathetic just after treating her like a dog:

- Where are you from?

And she madly goes:

- I'm from hell!!! (look at her face)

É por essas e outras que eu sou fã dessa diaba! ;-)

"Somos todos severinos
Iguais em tudo e na sina
Há de abrandar estas pedras
Suando-se muito em cima
Há de tentar despertar
Terra sempre mais extinta
E há de tentar arrancar
Algum roçado das cinzas.
Mas para que nos conheçam
Melhor essas senhorias
E melhor possam saber
A história de nossa vida:
Somos todos severinos
Que pelo planeta emigra”.

(Morte e Vida Severina- João Cabral de Melo Neto)

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